Interview with EARLI Motivation and Emotion SIG 2016 Lifetime Award Recipient Stuart Karabenick

Dr. Stuart Karabenick is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Education at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (associated with the Combined Program in Education and Psychology) and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Eastern Michigan University. He is an international highly recognized researcher, particularly in the field of student and teacher motivation and self-regulated learning. His research interests include (a) how teachers’ beliefs about their professional responsibilities are related to their approaches to instruction, (b) motivation for professional development, (c) parent, student and teacher motivational influences on help seeking and achievement, (d) how motivation affects self-regulated learning (SRL), and currently (e) the role of help seeking and other forms of SRL in the field of learning analytics.

His work on motivation and self-regulated learning began when he was an undergraduate and has taken many forms since then. During his studies at the University of Michigan (UM), he spent most of his time in Jack Atkinson’s lab, which he joined after connecting with his student Bernie Weiner, a graduate student instructor in one of his psychology classes. His publications include numerous peer-reviewed empirical and theoretical articles in top-level international peer-refereed journals. In addition, he published two books about help seeking: Strategic Help Seeking (Karabenick, 1998) and Help Seeking in Academic Settings (Karabenick & Newman, 2006).

Dr. Karabenick began attending EARLI in 2003 where he participated in a session honoring his colleague Paul Pintrich and joined the SIG 08 in 2004. He was elected as SIG co-coordinator at the 2005 EARLI meeting and served in that capacity until 2009 — the first American to hold that office. During that time, he established (with Marold Wosnitza) the SIG Student Research Awards. He was active in SIG attempts to increase EARLI fiscal transparency and more equitable SIG financial support from EARLI.

In light of these achievements, Dr. Karabenick was awarded the EARLI Motivation and Emotion SIG Lifetime Award in 2016. To learn more about his career, motivations, and research, we asked him several questions. His answers are based on excerpts from his reflections published in the Education Review on Acquired Wisdom (Karabenick, 2020). For the full text, please see:

Personal career

What do you consider your most memorable early career accomplishment?

That would be my first published study, with a colleague, continued in the Atkinson tradition. It nicely confirmed the model’s predictions that performance depended on task difficulty and motives both to approach success and to avoid failure (Karabenick & Youssef, 1968). It was quite memorable since our paper was accepted immediately and the editor was very complimentary.

How/why did you start academic research career?

I remember always being interested in science. Science kits, science classes, building, electric circuits; just to see how things work. I remember drawing a world map when in middle school and “discovering” how the South America and Africa coastlines fit together.

I studied architecture for a short time at University of Michigan (UM). Well, let’s just say that dream was short-lived after experiencing how dull the classes were and realizing how restricted the architecture program was, but even more so after exposure to the university’s exciting array of intellectual opportunities. Flipping through the catalogue there was just so much more to learn – and of course more science – a thirst that has never been quenched. It did not take me long to gravitate to the College eventually like so many other students, to psychology.

After a couple of introductory courses, an invitation to join the new psychology honors program sealed my commitment. The program provided personal exposure in small classes to many of the major researchers in the field at that time. These scholars spanned almost every area, including my honors advisor, Bob Zajonc, in social psych. However, most of my time as an undergrad was spent in Jack Atkinson’s lab, which I joined after connecting with his student Bernie Weiner, a graduate student instructor in one of my psych classes. Being socialized into the motivation world, and having already taken psychology graduate classes as an undergrad, I turned down Stanford to stay at UM, to which, as it turns out, I returned toward the end of my career.

I was socialized in the McClelland- Atkinson tradition based on personality, assessed by the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), and with the person-situation interaction approach, exemplified by Jack’s expectancy-value risk-taking model, in which incentive values of success and failure were weighted, respectively, by motives to approach success and avoid failure. Atkinson and Birch also developed a creative Dynamics of Action model of motivational “forces” to understand persistence and change in activities. My dissertation was based on that theory, but I did not pursue it further.

Tell us about a person/mentor who made an impact on you or set you on your present path?

You could say Bernie Weiner became my first mentor. He was a graduate student instructor in one of my psych classes.

Why did you decide to start a researcher career?

After my dissertation I took an attractive position close by in a new psychology department at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Several factors led to my decision to remain there, including the opportunity to shape the program that had just split from a highly respected education college. It also allowed me to maintain connections with UM faculty. EMU also offered access to large numbers of students for research who were more representative of the general population than the thin slice of upper SES students at UM. Teaching such a diverse student population required adjustments to make psychology and research methodology relevant.

Why did you focus your research on student and teacher motivation and self-regulated learning?

As fate would have it, awareness of my work on help seeking, published in education journals, prompted an invitation from Bill McKeachie and a recent (and at the time relatively unassuming, if you can believe it) UM PhD – Paul Pintrich – to join the National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Teaching and Learning (NCRIPTAL) that had just started at UM. It vastly expanded my intellectual horizons, professional network, and more generally shifted my work to adopt a more applied educational psychology perspective compared to the more controlled but less directly applicable experimental and lab studies I had been conducting. Although the invitation came on the heels of my studies of help seeking, my involvement quickly expanded into the full self-regulated learning (SRL) spectrum operationalized by the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). This was an inflection point in the development of the SRL-motivation relationship – the skill and the will – as Paul Pintrich liked to phrase it. Attended by faculty and students from several universities (some international), meetings became a fertile breeding ground for the exploration of theory and research in all phases of motivation and SRL in education, primarily framed by expectancy-value theory.

Despite an extremely productive five-years that generated numerous motivation- and SRL-related products and a significant presence in research and theory in higher education more generally, NCRIPTAL funding was not renewed. The effort came to a screeching halt. However, there was no turning back, and Paul Pintrich, Bill and I continued to meet with others in our College Research Group. My work continued with two additional studies on help seeking.

The NCRIPTAL experience also increased my desire to promulgate its research. Given the increased focus on college teaching and learning at the time, my education school colleague Jan Collins-Eaglin and I decided to establish the Research on Teaching and Learning (RTL) program at EMU. RTL provided funding for faculty to conduct research on teaching and learning in their own area of expertise. The curriculum included many of the resources produced and frameworks promoted by NCRIPTAL, and a crash course on research design, motivation, and SRL, and classroom assessment techniques. Most of the faculty created credible studies. One significant study with a clinical psychology colleague provided evidence that SRL strategies mediated the effects of psychopathology on academic performance (Brackney & Karabenick, 1995).

Research in your field

What have been major changes in the field of motivational research since you have been working on it?

All the while the motivation world was shifting, and I continued to struggle with that reality. Relatively stable motives did remain in the motivational lexicon, for example, as Andy Elliot subsequently incorporated approach and avoid achievement motives into his goal model, and David Winter and Oliver Schultheiss continued to work on implicit motives that were assessed with the TAT. However, for many, the dominance of relatively stable personality variables in motivation theory was over given theoretical competition. One highly attractive alternative was Weiner’s attribution theory. Based on Fritz Heider’s work, it prompted a couple of my studies on how locus of control beliefs influence the valence of success and failure (Karabenick, 1972) and relations between locus of control and self-esteem (Fish & Karabenick, 1971). Another was Expectancy-Value Theory (EVT), although one could claim that it had yet to reach its full potential in motivation theory at the time.

The decline in theory and research based on relatively stable personality characteristics meant reaching out for new ways to understand motivational influences on learning and performance, which, in addition to attribution theory, led to the emergence of achievement goal theory (AGT). AGT had a seismic impact on the field (and my own development), due in large part to the creative work by John Nicholls. Achievement goal theory represented a true paradigm shift in the classical sense by providing an alternative conceptual framework in which person and situation dynamics could be more adequately understood, including its major constructs – personal goal orientations and achievement goal structures – that were more malleable than were relatively stable achievement motives. In addition to the “cognitive revolution” occurring at the time, many consider that AGT was the final blow to the McClelland-Atkinson approach to achievement motivation. During my last meeting with Jack I tried to suggest ways to adjust to the new reality, to increase his awareness of emerging AGT research, and hint at how there might be ways to adapt his models, or to at least think about it. My efforts were to no avail, and I was one of his last students.

My connection with the Combined Program in Education and Psychology (CPEP) at UM continued to deepen. It can arguably be considered one of the major centers for research on motivation at the time. Colleagues included Jacque Eccles, Marty Maehr, Carol Midgley, Phyllis Blumenfeld, and their graduate students who continue the motivational lineage, and with whom I have subsequently collaborated, including Avi Kaplan (Kaplan, Karabenick, & De Groot, 2009) Thus, I was surrounded by colleagues and students in the 1990s during the ascendency of AGT, EVT, and SRL.

Significant as well were increasing connections with the motivation community of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Including Dale Schunk who had co-authored with Paul Pintrich their influential motivation in education text, Phil Winne along with Nancy Perry, a major force in SRL research and theory, and Allan Wigfield, who with Jacque, profoundly influenced the degree and range of EVT. Also emerging from that period of SRL expansion was the influential volume that Paul Pintrich edited with Monique Boekaerts and Moshe Zeidner, the Handbook of Self-Regulation. At about the same time as did Barry Zimmerman, in one of my favorite, and I believe most important work, John Knapp and I demonstrated that “better” learners were more rather than less likely to seek help when necessary, as well as to use other formsof cognitive, metacognitive and resource- management strategies (Karabenick & Knapp, 1991).

Without doubt an even more pivotal set of events occurred when Paul Pintrich and Marty Maehr were asked to submit a proposal to the Math and Sciences Partnership Program (MSP) of the Education and Human Resources (EHR) directorate of NSF on what at the time they considered “non-cognitive” influences on learning and achievement. Paul Pintrich and I wrote the proposal – the Math and Science Partnership-Motivation Assessment Program (MSP-MAP) – that was immediately accepted. They even asked us to increase the budget! This was the first EHR motivation proposal that exemplified Pasteur’s Quadrant of use-inspired basic research (Stokes, 1997). In addition to conducting our own research, the project’s role was to act as a resource to provide consultation on the motivation research conducted by other MSP grantees, including ways for them to assess motivation and SRL.

In addition to numerous publications emanating from MSP-MAP, the project was an opportunity to focus on how to ensure maximum effectiveness of self-report surveys. We used cognitive interviews to establish cognitive validity (as distinct from construct validity), and to assess the degree to which respondents interpreted items as researchers intended.

Future research in general

How did you start your affiliation with EARLI?

Continuing on my intellectual journey, in addition to playing a larger role in AERA, including the Motivation in Education and the Study and Self-Regulation (SSRL) SIGs, and the American Psychological Association (APA), another consequence of the NCRIPTAL connection was further opening the door to the international motivation and SRL communities. This began with my participation in a Pintrich memorial session at the 2003 European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) meeting. That event resulted in my integration into the Motivation and Emotion SIG, which was primarily due to Simone Volet and Marold Wosnitza, that was combined with the International Conference on Motivation (ICM). Although Paul Pintrich and Bill McKeachie had frequently extolled the virtues of their international experiences, I cannot begin to describe the full significance of direct connection with the EARLI community. Although I was familiar with numerous non- U.S. researchers who attended APA and AERA, from the first conference it was crystal clear that EARLI was an opportunity to expand understanding about motivation and SRL in ways not captured by the primarily U.S.-based meetings. It was also a time of expansion of the primary EARLI journal, Learning and Instruction (JLI). My involvement in EARLI significantly increased when I was elected co-chair of the Motivation SIG (the first from the U.S.), and my subsequent appointment by Anastasia Efklides as an associate editor of JLI. Both even further expanded my grasp of motivation theory and research. This also exponentially increased my international contacts, particularly graduate students globally, and broadened the audience for my research related to motivation and SRL, especially in Europe.

In your opinion, what will be the most important questions you are continuing to work on?

Motivation and SRL continues to be a major focus for me in two ways: one theoretical, the other applied. The theoretical component concerns sources of motivation in SRL. Despite their differences, goals are considered the primary determinant of motivation, which can be labeled as outcome based. However, models of the process have not taken the motivational influence of the strategies themselves into consideration – that some strategies are more worthwhile or cost more than others. New studies indicate that this strategy motivation can more adequately explain students’ use of strategies, as reported in my recent EARLI keynote. The two applied efforts fuse motivation and SRL to improve college students’ learning and performance. The first involves being part of an interdisciplinary team that designed a new student dashboard to accompany learning management systems. For example, EVT principles were brought to bear when determining the cost-benefit ratio of using information, and SDT autonomy principles contributed to providing users the capacity to customize how information is presented. We found more motivated and strategic students were more likely to take advantage of information the dashboard provided (Kia et al., 2020). That the research used both self-report and online tracking is an example of the ongoing controversy about the relative value of these sources of information. A second project to begin soon will test effects on help seeking and other variables like identity and persistence when students are provided a “back channel” to ask their own questions and anonymously observe others asking question during large interpersonal introductory STEM classes. The study design even includes the potential to determine effects of backchannel access on metacognitive monitoring. And so the work continues.

What does being the recipient for the Lifetime Award mean to you?

Receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from the EARLI Motivation and Emotion SIG was a wonderful capstone to the entire experience. I am truly humbled by the recognition since there are so many other colleagues who I believe are equally deserving, and it truly never occurred to me that I would be so honored. Awards are nice, of course, but it’s all about the exciting opportunity to pursue one’s passions and share them with others.

Could you give us some valuable suggestions for future scientists?

  1. As should be obvious from the history of my career, I believe collaboration is important. There is so much to be gained by working with others: peers, junior researchers and students.
  2. Explore other disciplines and ways of thinking.
  3. Don’t be discouraged! As in every science, setbacks are the norm rather than the exception.
  4. Some of the most important findings are those unexpected.
  5. In our Google world there is no excuse for not keeping up with the literature. It’s really disheartening when reading journal submissions and articles that omit important work.
  6. Applied work can be frustrating and may not result in publishable research, but it can be enriching in ways that are not always predictable.
  7. You will be frustrated by the publication process, but remain committed. I have finally published articles that required more than one journal and multiple revisions. That’s just the nature of the process. Not all reviewers are as perceptive as you are, but those who take their time to provide constructive criticism are to be applauded.
  8. Being a journal editor requires a major time commitment but is worth the effort.
  9. Cultivate and sustain positive connections with colleagues.
  10. You are never finished; there is always something more to learn.
  11. Colleagues are critical to your success in so many ways.
  12. Finally, celebrate the opportunities this lifestyle affords. Few occupations provide the chances to make contributions to knowledge and the satisfactions that come with it, and the opportunities to mentor and continue to “pay it forward.”

Martin Daumiller & Julia Morinaj


Brackney, B., & Karabenick, S. A. (1995). Psychopathology and academic performance: The role of motivation and learning strategies. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42, 456–465.

Fish, B. A., & Karabenick, S. A. (1971). Relationship between self-esteem and locus of control. Psychological Reports, 29, 748.

Kaplan, A., Karabenick, S. A., & De Groot, E. V. (Eds.). (2009). Culture, self, and motivation: Essays in honor of Martin L. Maehr. Information Age Publishing.

Karabenick, S. A. (1972). Valence of success and failure as a function of achievement motives and locus of control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 21, 101–110.

Karabenick, S. A. (Ed.). (1998). Strategic help seeking: Implications for learning and teaching. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Karabenick, S. A. (2020, June 3). On the rewards of being open to opportunities and their challenges. Acquired Wisdom Series, S. Nieto, F. Erickson & P. Winne (Eds.). Education Review, 27.

Karabenick, S. A., & Knapp, J. R. (1991). Relationship of academic help seeking to the use of learning strategies and other instrumental achievement behavior in college students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 221-230.

Karabenick, S. A., & Newman, R. S. (Eds.). (2006). Help seeking in academic settings: Goals, groups, and contexts. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Karabenick, S. A., & Youssef, Z. I. (1968). Performance as a function of achievement motive

level and perceived difficulty. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 10, 414–441.

Kia, F. S., Teasley, S. D., Hatala, M., Karabenick, S. A. & Kay, M. (2020). How Patterns of Students Dashboard Use Are Related to Their Achievement and Self-Regulatory Engagement. International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, March 23–27, 2020 (LAK ’20), 340–349.

Call for Applications 2020: Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program

Deadline for submission: March 16, 2020.

The Jacobs Foundation is pleased to announce the 2020 call for applications for its Research Fellowship Program.
The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is a globally competitive fellowship program for early career researchers whose work is dedicated to improving the development, learning and living conditions of children and youth. The relevant disciplines include, but are not limited to, education sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, family studies, media studies, political science, linguistics, neuroscience, and medical sciences.
Fellowships are awarded to highly talented and innovative early career researchers who have received their PhD within the past 10 years. Funding from Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowships is awarded directly to the fellow’s institution and may be used by the fellow over a three-year period to cover a portion of the fellow’s salary and for any purpose in support of the fellow’s research, such as assistants’ salaries, equipment, technical assistance, professional travel, or trainee support.
Scholars who engage in interdisciplinary work that focuses on individual development and variability in the learning of children and youth, and who seek to combine multiple levels of analysis, are particularly encouraged to apply.
In addition to providing fellows with independent and competitive funding, the program offers a wide range of non-financial benefits.

Check out the new application details and eligibility.

For further information and to submit an online application, please visit: Call for Applications 2020

Interview with EARLI Motivation and Emotion SIG 2018 Lifetime Award Recipient Simone Volet

Dr. Simone Volet is an international highly recognized researcher who focused her studies on motivation, emotion, self- and social regulation, social interaction, higher education, and learning and instruction. She contributed to the field of cultural issues in higher education and to our understanding of socio-cognitive, socio-cultural and situative perspectives on learning. Dr. Volet contributions to theory are crucial, particularly with her development of a multi-dimensional and multi-level cognitive-situative framework for understanding learning and motivation at the “experiential interface”, across contexts and cultural educational practices.

Her publications include numerous peer-reviewed empirical and theoretical articles in top-level international peer-refereed journals and books. In addition, she is co-editor of two published books in EARLI book series. She was honored with the inaugural EARLI “Outstanding Publication Award”. Professor Volet is currently engaged as a reviewer in numerous scientific journals. She is active as a member of several international Editorial Boards as well as in numerous international and national scientific research Advisory Boards. Furthermore, she has been holding the office of the Chief Investigator of many major projects funded by the Australian Research Council (Discovery, Linkage, and Large grants schemes) and the Australian National Training Authority.

As an invited keynote speaker in many international conferences, including several EARLI conferences, and as a teacher in international summer schools she has achieved the highest academic standards. As a part of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), she is a past president of the Educational, Instructional, and School Psychology Division and was coordinator (2001-2005) of the Special Interest Group Motivation and Emotions within EARLI.

In light of these achievements, Dr. Volet was awarded the EARLI Motivation and Emotion SIG Lifetime Award in 2018. To learn more about her career, motivations, and research, we conducted an interview with her.

Personal Career

Why did you focus your research on learning, motivation, and higher education?

Gaining insight into how learning (in the broad sense) and cognitive development occur naturally, but can also be facilitated through various activities and in interaction with others have always been of the greatest interest to me, already as a school teacher. Watching how some of my students learnt, reasoned and understood concepts easily, while others struggled fascinated and challenged me as a teacher. While my initial teacher training had been very successful in preparing me for teaching multi-level classes across all areas of the primary curriculum, it had been more limited in helping me develop a sound understanding of the nature of human learning and cognitive development, and this extended to understanding motivational and emotional processes, as well classroom social dynamics. This gap in my teacher education is what motivated me initially to undertake further studies at university, which eventually evolved into postgraduate and doctoral studies and continuing research in these areas. The applied focus of my research in higher education rather than in school contexts was more related to convenience than deliberate choice.

If it wasn’t research in psychology, what field would you be working in and why?

Given the opportunity, I would pursue research in the local history of education in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, especially the Canton de Vaud, which I got a taste of a part of my “Mémoire de licence” at the University of Geneva. I found exploring the complex and evolving interactions (social, economic, political) of different stakeholders (teachers, parents, local school authorities, the Canton) at various historical times, through archival documents absolutely fascinating to understand today’s situations and challenges in education.

Own Motivations

What did you like most when teaching in summer schools?

I found teaching in the summer schools for junior researchers one of the most rewarding experiences of my academic career. The SIG Motivation and Emotion summer schools present fantastic opportunities for junior and more experienced researchers to engage collaboratively with contemporary challenging research issues, conceptual, methodological and empirical. I have enjoyed sharing my understanding and experience but also feeling challenged and pushed further in my own thinking by their burning, sometimes difficult questions. I found the scholarly exchange that takes place in these summer schools of very high standard and rewarding for everyone. The summer schools I participated in were excellently organized, with a combination of stimulating discussions and a wonderfully warm and supportive local environment.

You have published many scientific papers. What was your motivation for writing all of these publications?

The large majority of my publications are co-authored, which reflects the importance I have given to collaborative research throughout my career.  My co-authored publications are the product of stimulating, close collaboration with colleagues in the field of educational psychology, but also genuine research partnerships with colleagues from other, complementary fields (e.g. in the case of applied field research, with colleagues in computer science, or business, or veterinary medicine). Many of my publications are with junior researchers and doctoral students, locally and internationally. Sharing the full process of designing a study, carrying it out, writing up the results, and monitoring the submission and revision of a journal article in a supportive way is appreciated by junior researchers as less daunting and frustrating.

Future Research

In your opinion, what will be the biggest obstacles in future research in motivational psychology?

Future developments in research in motivational psychology and educational psychology more generally may depend on researchers’ capacity to combine the design and then integrate the findings of studies that use different lenses and research methodologies, and are conducted in culturally diverse environments. Understanding individual motivation and emotion needs situated research conducted in real-life, meaningful evolving learning activities, activities that capture the complex and dynamic, individual and contextual, social nature of such phenomena. But it also requires, on the one hand rigorous experimental studies that can test systematically ideas emerging from exploratory studies, and on the other hand research that explores the influence of broader aspects as well, such as class, school, educational systems, societal values, and culturally rewarded or inhibited social practices, for e.g. what is perceived as acceptable display of emotions and social regulation of emotions in group situations.

Involvement in EARLI

How did you start your affiliation with EARLI?

My affiliation with EARLI started in 1986, shortly after receiving a letter from Prof Robert-Jan Simons with whom I was corresponding regarding his research. In that letter, he informed me that a European association for research on learning and instruction had just been formed at Leuven in Belgium the year before, and that given my research interests I would probably be interested in joining.  He also told me that a conference would be held in Tübingen, Germany the year after. I was very excited about this news given my European background and immediately joined the association, and went to Tübingen for my first EARLI conference in 1987.  Since then, I attended all EARLI conferences, without any exception, which says it all!

To make Australian academics aware of EARLI (the only international conference they knew about at the time was AERA) and to encourage them to join the new association, I volunteered to be the EARLI national correspondent for Australia shortly after joining the association. For many years, I actively promoted EARLI in Australia. I am very proud to say that EARLI has been my academic home since the late 80s, and joining the

SIG Motivation and Emotion (WATM in the early days) was naturally part of this. All my international research collaboration throughout my entire academic career has been with EARLI members, specifically members of the SIG Motivation and Emotion. I felt very honored to receive the Lifetime Achievement Recognition award from our SIG and thank everyone for their kind words and special messages.


Could you give some valuable suggestions for future researchers?

Successful research, in my view, is linked to passion for the pursuit of important, meaningful research questions.  Scholars who are passionate, have a genuine interest in what they are studying, are rigorous in their conceptual and analytical approach to do research, and undertake research aimed at making a difference in the real world tend to be the best researchers. Already when I was a doctoral student, and throughout my career, I have been attracted by researchers who can share their passion and enthusiasm for research with others, especially with junior researchers. With passion and enthusiasm in the pursuit of important research questions, setbacks along the way such as rejections in the publication process, are more easily put into perspective, which is important for future researchers to realize. Collaborative research with passionate colleagues is stimulating and rewarding for everyone involved, experienced and junior researchers alike, locally and internationally, therefore, I would recommend future researchers to join and further initiate such research teams.

Martin Daumiller & Julia Morinaj

International Conference on Motivation (ICM) 2020

Upcoming Conference

International Conference on Motivation (ICM) 2020

The ICM 2020 will be held from Thursday 3.9. till Sunday 6.9.2020, preceded by the Summer School. The conference has one overlapping day with the conference of SIG16 (Metacognition), held from Sunday 6.9. – Tuesday 8.9.2020.

Place: Dresden, Germany (both the SIG8 and SIG16 conferences will be organised on the same location)

he Summer School of SIG 8 and SIG 16 will be held together from the 31st of August to the 2nd of September, preceding the joint conference. The venue will be announced soon, so stay tuned! Link:

The call for submissions for the ICM 2020 in Dresden is now open. The extended submissions deadline is January 13th, 2020. The joint conference of SIG8 and SIG16 will be held from September 3rd until September 8th, 2020, with one overlapping day between the two SIGs. We look forward to receiving many excellent submissions! Please visit the conference website for further information regarding the submissions and deadlines:


Call for Applications 2019: Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program

Deadline for submission: March 17, 2019.

The Jacobs Foundation is pleased to announce the 2019 call for applications for its Research Fellowship Program.
The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is an internationally open, competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers focusing on learning and development of children and youth.
Fellowships are awarded to the most highly talented and innovative early- and mid-career researchers working on child and youth development. Funds are awarded directly to the fellow’s institution and may be used over a three-year period to partially cover the fellow’s salary and for any activity supporting the fellow’s research, such as assistant salaries, equipment, technical assistance, professional travel, or trainee support.
Scholars who engage in interdisciplinary work on individual development and learning of children and youth, and who seek to combine multiple levels of analysis, are particularly encouraged to apply.

For further information and to submit an online application, please visit: Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship

Call for Nominations: 2019 Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize

Deadline for Submission: 1 March 2019

The Jacobs Foundation is seeking nominations for the 2019 Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize. The prize awards outstanding scientific contributions of individuals from all scholarly disciplines aiming at improving the development and living conditions of children and youth. This includes, but is not limited to, educational sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, family studies, media studies, political sciences, linguistics, neurosciences, computer sciences, and medical sciences.

The prize is endowed with 1 Mio. Swiss Francs, of which 900’000 Swiss Francs are for use in a research project and 100’000 Swiss Francs are for related costs, such as travel, networking, and dissemination. The prize has a global scope. It addresses scholars who have achieved major breakthroughs in understanding child and youth development and have the potential to advance the field by actively conducting research. Self-nominations cannot be accepted. 

A Prize Jury, consisting of internationally renowned scientists, will choose the laureate from the pool of nominated candidates.

All documents pertaining to the nomination should be submitted online by 1 March 2019. To begin the online submission process, please visit Research Prize Nomination Form.

For more Information, please visit Jacobs Foundation Research Prize or contact the responsible program manager Gelgia Fetz ( 

Request for Studies for Meta-Analysis on Classroom Goal Structure

Hello SIG Motivation Colleagues,

we are conducting a meta-analysis of the relation between goal structures and achievement goals. Although we have already conducted a rigorous search of this literature, unpublished studies can be especially difficult to retrieve.

Therefore, we are interested in receiving dissertations, conference presentations, or other unpublished work (master theses, manuscripts that are in preparation/in press) that

  1. a) investigated the relations between goal structures (classroom goal structures, goal structures referring to a specific subject or course at university/college) and achievement goals
  2. b) did not rely on a sample of one of your published studies and
  3. c) used survey methods (student ratings of goal structures and achievement goals; teacher ratings of goal structures and student ratings of achievement goals), observational methods, or intentionally manipulated goal structures (experiment; quasi-experiment, intervention study).

If you have or know of any such studies and are willing to share them, I would very much appreciate hearing from you. Please send all electronic documents to marko.lueftenegger€ by November 8, 2018. We will cite all qualifying studies in the manuscript and will send you a copy of the final paper. You may contact me ( for more details. Thank you for any information you may be able to provide related to this project!


Dr. Marko Lüftenegger
Assistant Professor
Centre for Teacher Education
University of Vienna

Special Issue paying tribute to Prof. Dr. Willy Lens

Psychologica Belgica is happy to announce the publication of Vol 56(2) alongside a Special Issue paying tribute to Prof. Dr. Willy Lens.  All content is now available to read online.

56: Issue 3 (special issue):
Emerging trends and future directions for the field of motivation psychology: A special issue in honor of Prof. Dr. Willy Lens

Guest edited by Maarten Vansteenkiste & Athanasios Mouratidis

  • Vansteenkiste, M., & Mouratidis, A: Emerging Trends and Future Directions for the Field of Motivation Psychology: A Special Issue in Honor of Prof. Dr. Willy Lens. DOI:
  • van der Kaap-Deeder, J. et al.: The Pursuit of Self-Esteem and Its Motivational Implications. DOI:
  • Chen, B. et al.: Where Do the Cultural Differences in Dynamics of Controlling Parenting Lie? Adolescents as Active Agents in the Perception of and Coping with Parental Behavior. DOI:
  • Cordeiro, P. et al.: The Portuguese Validation of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale: Concurrent and Longitudinal Relations to Well-being and Ill-being. DOI:
  • Husman, J., Hilpert, J. C., & Brem, S. K: Future Time Perspective Connectedness to a Career: The Contextual Effects of Classroom Knowledge Building. DOI:
  • Fryer, L. K. et al.: Understanding Students’ Instrumental Goals, Motivation Deficits and Achievement: Through the Lens of a Latent Profile Analysis. DOI:
  • Gaudreau, P., & Braaten, A: Achievement Goals and their Underlying Goal Motivation: Does it Matter Why Sport Participants Pursue their Goals?. DOI:
  • Michou, A. et al.: Building on the Enriched Hierarchical Model of Achievement Motivation: Autonomous and Controlling Reasons Underlying Mastery Goals. DOI:
  • Delrue, J. et al.: Intrapersonal Achievement Goals and Underlying Reasons among Long Distance Runners: Their Relation with Race Experience, Self-Talk, and Running Time. DOI:
  • Vansteenkiste, M., Fernandez, L., & Mouratidis, A: A Tribute to Dr. Willy Lens. DOI:

*Picture of Willy Lens by Anja Van den Broeck (thank you!)