New SIG8 coordinators!

During our members meeting at EARLI 2023 in Thessaloniki our new SIG8 coordinators were introduced!

Coordinator: After serving as a JURE coordinator some years ago Martin Daumiller now returns as SIG8 Coordinator for the next four years (2023-2027). For the next two years, Martin will be working together with Hanna Gaspard who will complete her term as coordinator for our sig in 2025. We would like to thank Hanna Jävenoja for four years of excellent work for our SIG!

New SIG8 JURE coordinator: Our new SIG8 JURE Coordinator is Jonne Bloem. She will be working together with Juliane Schlesier for the next two years. Jonne will be replacing Julia Mori who served our SIG the past four years. It was a pleasure to work with you Julia, your positive energy and innovative ideas were a great addition to our team!

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