In memory of Stuart Karabenick

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing with great sadness to inform you of the passing of our colleague, mentor, and friend Dr. Stuart Karabenick on August 1st at 2:30pm ET. This is a tremendous loss for our community. Stuart was an exceptional scholar, a great thinker, a kind and generous person, a caring mentor, and a beloved colleague and friend. He is well known for his excellent scholarship in the fields of self-regulation and student and teacher motivation. Stuart was one of the worldwide leading experts on the motivational underpinnings and self-regulatory implications of help-seeking in educational contexts. In 2016, SIG8 recognized Stuart’s contributions to the profession and our community with a Lifetime Achievement Award—a well-deserved honor for his research excellence and mentorship.

Stuart received his PhD in Personality and Developmental Psychology from the University of Michigan in 1967 under the mentorship of John Atkinson. He was an Emeritus Professor of Education (University of Michigan) and Psychology (Eastern Michigan University) and an Adjunct Professor in the department of psychology (University of Michigan). He was an associate editor for EARLI’s flagship journal Learning and Instruction (2007-2010) and a series editor for the Advances in Motivation and Achievement series (2014-2020).

We are at a loss for words to express how much Stuart meant to our community. Stuart was a coordinator of SIG8 between 2005 and 2009 and was the first non-European coordinator of the SIG. Under his leadership, the Student Research Excellence Award (since 2007) and the Biannual Summer School of Motivation and Emotion (since 2006) were both introduced. He served as an invited Summer School Mentor and a Keynote multiple times. Stuart was committed to supporting others, especially young scholars. He was a generous and kind person.

Stuart, we will miss you.

Fani, Hanna, Julia, and Martin (on behalf of SIG8)

P.S. Below, we are sharing links to some of Stuart’s most recent interviews and keynotes:

Just a few months ago (in June), Stuart shared some of his experiences and “lessons learned” in the Education Review, Acquired Wisdom Series; he was excited about this publication and the opportunity to reflect on some of his experiences (Karabenick, 2020):

These are also shared in a recent interview we did with Stuart as a recipient of a SIG8 Lifetime Achievement Award:

Stuart’s EARLI 2019 Keynote Address on SRL in Aachen:

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