Dear SIG 8 members, This is just a kind reminder to nominate a long-term SIG8 member for the Lifetime achievement Recognition and to sign up to our very first “How to…?”-talk -meeting. Call for Nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Recognition. Please find the call and the nomination form here and suggest our long-term sig member for the award by the 8th of March. This award honors a distinguished SIG08 member who has made a significant contribution to the research on motivation and/or emotions, has been an active member of our SIG community, and has had a positive influence on the field through sustained collaboration with colleagues. Sign up to our Exciting new SIG 8 activity! In March, the new bi-monthly “How to…?”-talk series will start. This new SIG 8 activity provides an opportunity to keep in touch with other junior and early career researchers in between the yearly conferences. In short meetings, we will discuss various topics, such as “How to… get your paper published?” or “How to… expand your network?”. Please register here. Event Timing: bimonthly online meetings 11:45-12:15 CET First online meeting: March 17th 2022 If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at Best wishes, Your SIG8 Coordinators Hanna, Hanna, Julia and Juli Contact info: Hanna G. ( Hanna J. ( Julia ( Juliane ( |
SIG8 membership
Check and renew your SIG8 membership via the Dashboard (“My recent orders” 🡪 “add new membership” 🡪 add SIG-08 membership for an 8 EUR fee). This will enable you to continue to receive our newsletters. Thank you for your continued support and active involvement with the SIG!
ICM 2022 and Summer School 2022
ICM 2022 in Dresden: the call for submissions is now open. The deadline for submissions is January 20th, 2022. The conference will be held as a hybrid conference from August 24th to August 26th, including a joint day with SIG16 on August 26th. We welcome resubmissions of proposals accepted for the ICM 2020 conference as well as new submissions. Please visit the conference website for further information regarding the submissions and important dates:
Summer School ICM 2022 in Dresden: We are continuing our great tradition of supporting young researchers by offering a summer school prior to the conference. The Joint Summer School of SIG 8 and SIG 16 will take place from August 22nd to August 23rd in a venue near/in Dresden, preceding the ICM. More information can be found here:
New SIG8 coordinators
New SIG8 Coordinator: Hanna Gaspard became our new SIG8 Coordinator at our members meeting at EARLI 2021, and she will be serving in this role for the next four years (2021-2025). Hanna Gaspard will be working together with Hanna Järvenoja for the next two years until Hanna J. completes her term as coordinator of our SIG in 2023. Fani Lauermann stepped down after completing her four-year term as coordinator. Thank you Fani for your excellent service to our SIG!
New SIG8 JURE coordinators: Juliane Schlesier was elected as our new SIG8 JURE Coordinator. She will be working together with Julia Morinaj who already started to work in this role two years ago. Juliane will be replacing Martin Daumiller, who stepped down after serving as a JURE Coordinator for two years. Thank you, Martin, for your outstanding service and representation of our junior members, and welcome, Juli, to our team!
December News
- 2020 SIG8 Lifetime Achievement Recognition: In light of her contributions to our scientific community and to our SIG, Dr. Ruth Butler received the SIG8 Lifetime Achievement Recognition 2020. This award is usually announced at the ICM conference, but because of the postponed conference, it was given to Ruth at this year’s EARLI conference. She was nominated by Stuart Karabenick, and 11 more proponents. Warmest congratulations, Ruth!
- 2021 SIG8 Student Research Excellence Recognition: One excellent young researcher was recognized at the SIG8 members meeting at EARLI 2021, for her outstanding first-authored paper presented at the conference, based on ratings received by an international selection committee of long-term SIG8 members. Warm congratulations to Daria Benden (TU Dortmund University) for the recognition of her paper on “Short-Term Relations Between Students’ Situated Expectancies and Task Values in the Math Domain”. We also congratulate her co-author Fani Lauermann.
SIG08 Business Meeting
We look forward to our SIG 8 business meeting next Thursday (September 2) from 4pm to 5pm CEST. Please make sure to attend. A few highlights:
- We will introduce and honor the 2020 ICM Lifetime Achievement Award recipient
- We will present the EARLI 2021 Student Research Excellence Award
- We will report on SIG8 activities 2020-2021
- We will inform our members of our plans for the ICM 2022 (including our summer school)
We are aware that some SIG members encountered technical issues with Pheedloop. To ensure that everyone can participate in the business meeting, we are sending the Zoom link directly within this email. Please use this link to join our business meeting, in case of any issues with Pheedloop.
Zoom link to manually join the business meeting:
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
July News
Dear SIG8 Members,
EARLI 2021 is fast approaching and we have several important announcements to share with you:
1) The SIG8 Business Meeting is (tentatively) scheduled for September 2nd, and we will reach out with further details as soon as we know more. Please mark this date in your calendar! In this meeting, we will report on past SIG8 activities, we will honor the ICM 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, and we will announce the next ICM 2022 conference, as well as the new SIG8 coordinators. We look forward to seeing you there!
2) For all junior members: Please vote for a JURE coordinator by July, 14 2021. Five excellent candidates have applied for this position. You will learn more about them and will be able to submit your vote by clicking on the following link:
3) Please check the EARLI conference program by using the following link; SIG8 members are, as usual, very well represented:
4) The EARLI conference will be hosted via PheedLoop. You can attend a virtual training here:
5) Please mark your calendars for the EARLI SIG8 Invited Symposium, which is dedicated to our late colleague Stuart A. Karabenick and his many contributions to the SIG: Session Z 17, Session Room 15, 27/08/2021 at 15:45: The Life and Legacy of Stuart A. Karabenick: “Acquired Wisdom? More Like Lessons Learned”
6) Request for Studies for Meta-analysis on Achievement Goals / Goal Structures and Academic Dishonesty: At the Motivation Lab of the University of Augsburg and Mannheim, we are currently conducting a meta-analysis on the linkages between achievement goals and goal structures on academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, plagiarism) in educational settings. We are searching for any grey or unpublished literature on this topic. If you have manuscripts, data or other literature that might fit this description, we would be very happy if you could send us a copy of the respective work to as soon as possible, and ideally before July 31, 2021.
Your SIG 08 Coordinators,
Fani Lauermann (,
Hanna Järvenoja (,
Julia Morinaj ( and
Martin Daumiller (
Interview with EARLI Motivation and Emotion SIG 2010 Lifetime Award Recipient Monique Boekaerts
Dr. Monique Boekaerts is an international pioneer and highly recognized researcher in educational psychology. Her ideas about motivation and self-regulation have transformed how learning and teaching are approached around the world. Dr. Boekaerts was born in Belgium, studied psychology at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, and obtained her PhD at Tilburg University. She was a full professor at the Radboud-Universität Nijmegen and at Leiden University.

One of the most prominent contributions of Dr. Boekaerts is her “Dual Processing Self-regulation Model” that has generated extensive empirical studies and describes the dynamic aspects of self-regulated learning and includes motivation, emotion, metacognition, self-concept, and learning. Her publications include numerous peer-reviewed empirical and theoretical articles in top-level international peer-refereed journals and books. Well-known books of hers include the Handbook of Self-Regulation (2000) and Motivation to Learn (2002), which have been translated into Chinese, Dutch, German, Spanish, and Greek. Dr. Boekaerts is a founding member of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) and served as EARLI president from 1999–2001, as well as the president of the Division of Educational, Instructional, and School Psychology of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP, 1998–2002).
In light of these achievements, Dr. Boekarts received the EARLI SIG8 Lifetime Award in 2010, and was afterwards also awarded with the 2015 EARLI Oeuvre Award. To learn more about her career, motivations, and research, we asked her several questions. Her answers are based on excerpts from an interview with Héfer Bembenutty in his book “Contemporary Pioneers in Teaching and Learning” (Bembenutty, 2015, pp. 75–87). For the full text, please see:
Personal career/ Your own motivations
Why did you decide to quit being a teacher and start a research career?
When I was 18, I ranked top of my class and parents were quite proud but they did not want me to go to university, because in their opinion that was not for girls and anyway it cost a lot of money. Instead, I enrolled in teacher training college. I was certified as a (foreign) language teacher (English, German, and Dutch) and taught for two years. I first taught students with special educational needs. I think that my philosophy of teaching took shape in that period. I discovered that the “power of learning” resides in all students but that it needs to be triggered time and time again. I also learned the hard way that you need to create a learning environment based on trust, where students can experience that their actions lead to success and that they are supported by a competent, reliable, and caring teacher.
After six months teaching these children, I got a job as a language teacher in a regular school and afterward, I got a job as a foreign language teacher at the Catholic University of Leuven. While working at the university, I became interested in psychology. I decided to go to England and applied for a job. I immediately obtained a job, which qualified me to register as a UK student. After taking an entrance examination at Reading University, I was offered the opportunity to study psychology. I finished my psychology degree in 2 years. Next, I applied for a junior teaching position at the Teacher Training Department at Antwerp University and started there in 1974. I was working in a teacher-training department and needed to make myself familiar with Educational Psychology.
After three years, my Ph.D. was ready but to my surprise, I could not defend it in Belgium because they did not accept my UK bachelor degree. I found a promoter in the Netherlands who was willing to defend my case. Afterward, I applied for the job as a full professor in Educational Psychology at Nijmegen University. I was never a junior professor: I went from being a Ph.D. student to being a full professor. This is not such a good starting position because you do not have a good role model and you cannot learn from your mistakes.
Research in your field
Can you please describe your Dual Processing Self-regulation Model? What are the differences between your model and other SR models?
The Dual Processing Self-regulation Model describes self-regulation as a set of dynamic, interacting regulation processes. The model describes how students, who are confronted with a learning task, form a fast mental representation of the situation (appraisal). They will start a learning activity in a mindful mode, when their appraisal of the learning situation is such that the learning task is congruent with their personal goals, needs, and aspirations. Such a match elicits a feel-good state, characterized by trust, confidence, being interested in the task, and wanting to expand one’s competence. These positive cognitions and emotions about the learning situation encourage students to form a commitment to the task and move onto the learning or mastery pathway. This pathway refers to activation of cognitive and motivation strategies that ensure the expansion of knowledge and competence. If the learning situation is initially appraised as threatening to well-being – either because the task is perceived as tedious, difficult, ambiguous, or complex, or because the students do not perceive enough decision latitude or support – negative cognitions and emotions are triggered (e.g., anxiety, irritation, disappointment). This negative feeling state initiates activities into the well-being pathway straight away, which refers to strategies that protect students from threat, harm, or loss (e.g., avoidance, denial, giving up, distraction).
To my knowledge, my model of self-regulated learning was the first model that describes the dynamic, non-stop appraisals that assign meaning to the learning activity itself. What is more, my Dual Processing Self-regulation Model explains how these non-stop appraisals dynamically shift the focus of the self-regulation system to any of three purposes of self-regulation, namely: (1) expanding knowledge and skills (i.e., activities in the mastery pathway with a focus on the task), (2) preventing threat to the self and loss of resources so that one’s well-being is kept within reasonable bounds (i.e., activities in the well-being pathway with a focus on the self), and (3) protecting one’s commitments by using activities that re-route attention from the well-being pathway to the mastery pathway (i.e., from a focus on the self to a focus on the task).
What are your next goals regarding your research?
I am currently involved in training parents and grandparents in recognizing approach and avoidance goals in their (grand) children. I found that (grand) parents, who are knowledgeable about how motivation and emotion work, are better equipped to assist them in regulating their motivation and emotion in relation to schoolwork.
In your opinion, what will be the most important questions to answer concerning self-regulation in the future?
Up to now, researchers have not devoted much research attention to meta-motivational and meta-interpersonal knowledge. Yet, it is essential to describe the different types of conditional knowledge that students must accrue to steer and direct the different types of self-regulation strategies. Likewise, little research is available on the use of the motivation, volition, and emotion regulation strategies that students successfully use in the classroom.
About the award
What does being a part of the EARLI mean to you and what are your most memorable experiences, when you think about EARLI?
I had been one of the founding members of the association and I had seen how the organization had grown from a small family to an extended family with many young researchers. In the Netherlands, there were plenty of opportunities for young researchers to be initiated into the field but that was not the case in other European countries. I wanted to help these young researchers. To this end, I met several times with my own Ph.D. students and several young Dutch and Flemish researchers to draft a blueprint for an association of young researchers within the EARLI. I really enjoyed doing that, and I am proud to say that during my presidency the JURE was founded and is still a flourishing association within EARLI. During my career, I organized and took part in several summer schools for young researchers, and I consider working with these bright and enthusiastic young people as a real treat.
One of my most memorable experiences I had was becoming the president of EARLI and I was proud to become the president of this important organization.
Could you give us some valuable suggestions for future researchers?
Read the relevant literature thoroughly and use validated instruments rather than constructing new ones yourself. Don’t spend time re-inventing the wheel: build on the shoulders of senior researchers. It is better to be a well-equipped wagon pulled by a well-oiled engine than to try and be an engine too soon.
Also, if it is your ambition to advise and train teachers to change the classroom, it is necessary that you first train to be a teacher yourself so that you find out firsthand what is happening in the classroom. You will see that teachers will immediately identify you as somebody who is familiar with the teaching profession and with the complex world of the classroom. As such, they will communicate better with you, trust your opinion, and implement your findings.
I have often communicated to young researchers that organizing the social program of a conference well is just as important as organizing the scientific program well. I truly cared about the education of the next generation and I wish all young researchers an interesting and stimulating career as I had myself.
Martin Daumiller & Julia Morinaj
Bembenutty, H. (2015). Contemporary pioneers in teaching and learning. IAP.
Boekaerts, M. (2002). Motivation to learn. International Academy of Education.
Boekaerts, M., Zeidner, M., & Pintrich, P. R. (Eds.). (1999). Handbook of self-regulation. Elsevier.
In memory of Stuart Karabenick
Dear Colleagues,
We are writing with great sadness to inform you of the passing of our colleague, mentor, and friend Dr. Stuart Karabenick on August 1st at 2:30pm ET. This is a tremendous loss for our community. Stuart was an exceptional scholar, a great thinker, a kind and generous person, a caring mentor, and a beloved colleague and friend. He is well known for his excellent scholarship in the fields of self-regulation and student and teacher motivation. Stuart was one of the worldwide leading experts on the motivational underpinnings and self-regulatory implications of help-seeking in educational contexts. In 2016, SIG8 recognized Stuart’s contributions to the profession and our community with a Lifetime Achievement Award—a well-deserved honor for his research excellence and mentorship.

Stuart received his PhD in Personality and Developmental Psychology from the University of Michigan in 1967 under the mentorship of John Atkinson. He was an Emeritus Professor of Education (University of Michigan) and Psychology (Eastern Michigan University) and an Adjunct Professor in the department of psychology (University of Michigan). He was an associate editor for EARLI’s flagship journal Learning and Instruction (2007-2010) and a series editor for the Advances in Motivation and Achievement series (2014-2020).
We are at a loss for words to express how much Stuart meant to our community. Stuart was a coordinator of SIG8 between 2005 and 2009 and was the first non-European coordinator of the SIG. Under his leadership, the Student Research Excellence Award (since 2007) and the Biannual Summer School of Motivation and Emotion (since 2006) were both introduced. He served as an invited Summer School Mentor and a Keynote multiple times. Stuart was committed to supporting others, especially young scholars. He was a generous and kind person.
Stuart, we will miss you.
Fani, Hanna, Julia, and Martin (on behalf of SIG8)
P.S. Below, we are sharing links to some of Stuart’s most recent interviews and keynotes:
Just a few months ago (in June), Stuart shared some of his experiences and “lessons learned” in the Education Review, Acquired Wisdom Series; he was excited about this publication and the opportunity to reflect on some of his experiences (Karabenick, 2020):
These are also shared in a recent interview we did with Stuart as a recipient of a SIG8 Lifetime Achievement Award:
Stuart’s EARLI 2019 Keynote Address on SRL in Aachen:
EARLI SIG8 Junior and Early Career Researcher Virtual Conference
EARLI SIG8 Junior and Early Career Researcher Virtual Conference
UPDATE (30.07.2020): The conference program is now out. Please have a look at the exciting presentations:
We are proud to announce a virtual conference for the junior and early career researchers of SIG8 with a theme “Motivation and Emotion in Education: Responding to Global Challenges”.
Due to the current global health crisis, this year’s International Conference on Motivation (ICM) 2020 had to be postponed. With technical and organizational support offered by SIG17 (a very special ‘thank you’ goes to Dominik Froehlich for his commitment and expertise), we are able to organize a virtual meeting to provide you an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and timely feedback. Please note that the virtual meeting is not a “replacement” for our in-person conference and is geared toward the needs of our junior and early career members.
We are using the same time slot as originally scheduled for our in-person conference. The virtual conference will take place on September 3rd – September 4th, 2020, after the lunchtime (two afternoons, around 14:00-18:30, CEST).
We are equally excited to announce our keynote speakerDr. Kou Murayama. Dr. Murayama is a Research Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Reading, UK. His research spans across the areas of motivation, metacognition, neuroscience, and research methods. He is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards for research excellence.
Link to Dr. Murayama’s website:
What’s more? You will have a chance to participate in the networking events by visiting open space rooms, where you can talk with other researchers in your field, discuss current issues in your research, explore potential collaboration space and interesting new research initiatives or simply chat. This could be your platform to get ideas, help or peer-support and expand your network.
We are thrilled about this opportunity and hope that many of you will participate. You can join with a presentation already accepted for either the summer school or the joint conference of the EARLI SIGs 8 and 16. This way you do not need to do any extra work for submission and we ensure the quality of the virtual conference. New submissions cannot be submitted for presentation at the virtual conference.
Ticket price*: 33 EUR/early bird ticket (till July, 31)
44 EUR/normal price (after August, 1)
(*A pleasant bonus:SIG17 is offering free access to their events to all participating SIG8 members.)
We kindly ask you to sign up by July 22nd, 2020. Your participation is important to keep the virtual conference interactive and to ensure success of the networking events. We believe that collaboration is important and warmly encourage you to sign up! You can register for the virtual SIG8 conference here.
Further information on the SIG8 virtual conference will be provided to those registered by email. Be sure to keep an eye on the virtual SIG8 conference website, which will be updated to include the latest information. Please note that you will be redirected to a website hosted by SIG17 as they are providing the online platform and technical support for our virtual meeting. If you have further questions about the virtual conference, feel free to reach out to us at For the technical issues, please contact
We are looking forward to your participation in the virtual SIG8 meeting and seeing you online!