Mission & Activities

Mission of our SIG

The mission of the Motivation and Emotion SIG is to promote research and theory on the person and situation influences on the direction, intensity, quality and persistence of human behavior related to learning and instruction in education.  This also involves a more applied research approach to understanding the conditions under which motivational and emotional constructs predict achievement behavior, exploring persistence in the face of obstacles and competing demands, and testing the effectiveness of education-related strategies and interventions for motivation and achievement outcomes.

Activities of our SIG

SIG activities include support of the International Conference on Motivation (ICM) that is held in years between the EARLI Biennial Conferences. The ICM includes a pre-conference Summer School at which graduate students have the opportunity to meet and work with prominent motivation researchers. The SIG also confers Student Research Excellence Awards at each EARLI conference to graduate students whose presentations are judged especially meritorious. The EARLI Motivation and Emotion SIG “Honorary Life Membership Recognitions” honoring distinguished SIG investigators in the field of Motivation and Emotion are awarded biennially at the ICM.