Request for Studies for Meta-Analysis on Classroom Goal Structure

Hello SIG Motivation Colleagues,

we are conducting a meta-analysis of the relation between goal structures and achievement goals. Although we have already conducted a rigorous search of this literature, unpublished studies can be especially difficult to retrieve.

Therefore, we are interested in receiving dissertations, conference presentations, or other unpublished work (master theses, manuscripts that are in preparation/in press) that

  1. a) investigated the relations between goal structures (classroom goal structures, goal structures referring to a specific subject or course at university/college) and achievement goals
  2. b) did not rely on a sample of one of your published studies and
  3. c) used survey methods (student ratings of goal structures and achievement goals; teacher ratings of goal structures and student ratings of achievement goals), observational methods, or intentionally manipulated goal structures (experiment; quasi-experiment, intervention study).

If you have or know of any such studies and are willing to share them, I would very much appreciate hearing from you. Please send all electronic documents to marko.lueftenegger€ by November 8, 2018. We will cite all qualifying studies in the manuscript and will send you a copy of the final paper. You may contact me ( for more details. Thank you for any information you may be able to provide related to this project!


Dr. Marko LĂĽftenegger
Assistant Professor
Centre for Teacher Education
University of Vienna

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